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Bike Projects

  • The City continues to work on bike projects across the city, including on-street routes and off-street paths. Check out our bike map to see where existing bike lanes and multi-use paths are located around Gresham.

    Project information

    • Gresham Greenways
    • Gresham Trails
    • Completed Projects
    • Contact
    Gresham Greenways

    Gresham Greenways were identified in the City's 2017 Active Transportation Plan, called Bike Routes for Everyone, as local streets with low-speed traffic that connect to everyday destinations such as schools, parks, and commercial centers. They provide an alternative to bike lanes on high-speed arterials.

    Coming 2024: Rockwood Bike Route expansion (BR3), West Gresham Connector (BR1) and Gresham-Fairview Trail Connector (BR9)

    The City is installing a new Gresham Greenway bike route along NE Pacific and NE Multnomah. The new route connects to parks, a school, and the Rockwood Bike Route (BR4) that was installed last year.

    Thanks to Metro funding, the City will install two Gresham Greenway routes identified in the Active Transportation Plan. 

    The West Gresham connector will help users connect to destinations in Rockwood.

    The Gresham-Fairview Trail connector will provide a connection from the regional trail system to Downtown Gresham.

    Gresham Trails

    Gresham has a great trail system that connects to key destinations around the city and to the regional trail network. Visit the trails page to learn more about Gresham's trails and which accommodate bicycles.

    Coming 2025: Gresham-Fairview Trail (along 201st between NE Halsey and NE Sandy)

    Thanks to Metro funding, the City will construct a 12-foot multi-use path along the west side of NE 201st for 0.6 miles between NE Halsey and NE Sandy. The project will connect to the existing Gresham-Fairview Trail on both ends and construct a new crossing to connect to the I-84 multi-use path. This project fills an important north-south gap and will support connectivity of Gresham's active transportation network.

    Completed Projects

    Wy'East Way Signage

    The City installed signs along the two-mile, 12-foot-wide multi-use path that runs along the MAX light rail line from Ruby Junction Station in Rockwood to Cleveland Station in downtown Gresham. The new signs identify the Wy'East Way and highlight local destinations people can visit without using a vehicle.

    Learn more about Wy'East Way.

    Rockwood Bike Route (BR4)

    The City installed a new bike route through the heart of Rockwood – the first of the Gresham Greenways planned in the City's 2017 Active Transportation Plan. The bike route runs along SE 187th, SE 188th and NE 188th, from SE Yamhill to NE Hassalo. It connects neighborhoods to the Downtown Rockwood development, Hartley Elementary School and Kirk Park. 

    Rockwood bike route information and map

    Gresham-Fairview Trail Gap

    In 2023, the City filled in a gap on the Gresham-Fairview Trail at Burnside and 197th Ave. where it connects to the Wy'East Way path. It provides a more direct connection between the trails so users can avoid traveling on-street. The City held a ribbon-cutting and inaugural ride to celebrate.


    Jay Higgins
    Senior Transportation Planner 

    • Bike routes for everyone concept, © NACTO
    • Gresham Bicycle Wayfinding Sign
    • Rock Creek Trail Sign

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    • © NACTO