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City's Emergency Plan

  • During a disaster

    The City activates its Emergency Operations Center during a large emergency or disaster to coordinate its response. Staff practice and train to prepare for the unexpected.

    The City's Emergency Operations Plan guides the City in operating, coordinating relief and recovery efforts, and working to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

    Natural hazards mitigation plan

    The Multnomah County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan includes the cities of Gresham, Fairview, Troutdale, Wood Village and unincorporated areas of Multnomah County. The plan covers risks from earthquake, flood, landslide, severe weather, volcano, wildfire and wildfire smoke.

    More information is available from the Multnomah County Emergency Management website.

    Emergency communications

    The City will use a variety of methods during an emergency to keep residents informed and safe. These tools may include:

    • Sign up for PublicAlerts
    • Sign up for Nextdoor to receive notifications. This social tool for neighborhoods is free, private, and lets you share information with your neighbors. 
    • Updates on the City’s website
    • Social media updates: Facebook and Twitter.
    • Gresham Emergency Radio 1610 AM
    • Emergency Alert System KUFO-AM 970; the alternate is KXL-FM 101.1
    • Road signs
    • Direct contact with residents

    For additional information about Emergency Management call 503-618-2567.