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Code Compliance Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can a semi truck/trailer or commercial vehicle park in the street?

    Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight over 10,000 pounds are not allowed to be parked/stored on the public right-of-way in Gresham - unless it's specifically posted such parking is allowed, or the truck is actively loading or unloading.

    Gresham Revised Code 8.25.01

    Can I have chickens or other livestock?

    Chickens are allowed on property zoned Low Density Residential (LDR-5, LDR-7, LDR-PV, LDR-SW). Some restrictions apply and a permit is required.

    Online application

    PDF application

    Gresham Revised Code 7.17

    • Other poultry and livestock are allowed in some residential designations within the city.
    • No restrictions on type or number.
    • Animals are required to be kept a minimum 100 feet from any neighboring residence.

    Development Code Section 4.0150

    Can I park my motorhome, trailer, etc. on the street?

    To help address the growing parking enforcement cases related to RVs, the City has implemented a code requiring a no-cost, 72-hour permit to park an RV on a residential street in Gresham.

    Request an RV parking permit

    For more information, see Gresham Revised Code Section 8.25.015.

    How do I report an abandoned vehicle? What happens next?

    Report an abandoned vehicle through My Gresham.

    • Please provide an exact address or a street and cross street, location, plus the make, model, color and license plate/state of the vehicle.
    • If the code inspector determines the vehicle is abandoned, it will be tagged for impound and/or issued a parking citation.
    • The inspector will return to the vehicle three business days from the date of tagging.
    • If the vehicle is still present, it will be towed.
    • The tow company has 24 hours from the time we request the tow to remove the vehicle. 

    Gresham Revised Code 8.05.020

    I live near a business with loud noise all night. Who do I call?

    The noise generated by the business may be in violation of the City's noise ordinance and should be reported to Code Compliance.

    Report a business noise violation through My Gresham.

    Gresham Revised Code 7.20.040

    I reported a vehicle parked on the street for a long time. Why hasn't it been removed?

    If a vehicle is "street legal" (appears operational and has current license plate tags and no other violations) it may park anywhere on the public right-of-way for 72 hours without moving.

    The exception is if the vehicle is parked immediately next to the registered owner's address. The vehicle can be parked at that location without moving as long as it remains street legal and does not become a problem for the street sweeper.

    After the vehicle is reported, a Code inspector will mark it for re-inspection in 24-hours to see if it moves. If it does not, the vehicle will be issued an impound notice, giving the owner three business days to move it or it will be towed.

    Gresham Revised Code 8.25.010

    Do I need a permit to cut a tree down on my property?

    We advise calling the City's planner on duty, 503-618-2780, before removing any tree.

    If the tree is a "street tree" (planted in the planter strip), you must get a permit before removal.

    If the tree is located elsewhere on a fully developed lot, you may cut down up to three regulated trees (8" or more in caliper) per calendar year with an exemption permit. 

    Tree removal information

    Gresham Development Code 9.1010

    Can I hand out fliers concerning my business?

    Distribution of pamphlets and fliers within the city limits of Gresham is not regulated by the City. 

    Gresham Revised Code 7.15.040

    Can I take my own garbage to the dump?

    City code allows a property owner to self-haul garbage, as long as it's done weekly as an exception to the requirement for garbage service.

    • The City may ask you for proof of self-hauling at any time.
    • If you own a residential rental property, you are required to provide garbage service for your tenants; it must be in your name and billed to you. 

    Gresham Revised Code 7.15.040

    Can I park head-in on a cul-de-sac?

    It is illegal to park a vehicle head first into a cul-de-sac or any other street in Gresham that is not so marked. Vehicles must be parked with the passenger side along and near the curb (within 12 inches).

    Gresham Revised Code 8.05.030

    My home or business was tagged with graffiti. Who removes it?

    It is the property owner's responsibility to remove graffiti. You should also file a police report. 

    File a police report.

    Graffiti removal information

    Gresham Revised Code 7.80.050

    My neighbor has a trailer on his property and is letting relatives live in it. Is this okay?

    Living in a trailer on a residential lot is considered camping and unlawful camping is a violation of City code. No one may camp on private property without permission of the property owner, and for no longer than 72 hours. 

    Gresham Revised Code 7.10.165

    My neighbor keeps parking in my space in front of my home. What can I do?

    The public right-of-way area in front of your home is not owned/specified for parking for your specific residence. Anyone with a street legal vehicle may park there. However, only vehicles registered to your address may park there more than 72 hours.

    Gresham Revised Code 8.25.010

    My neighbor owns an RV and parks it on his property. It's not behind a fence or behind the front of their home. What can be done?

    Recreational vehicles (motorhomes, campers, boats) on residential property must be parked on an improved, compacted surface, including a driveway. If parked in front of the face of the house, it must be on the driveway. Otherwise, it must be parked in the side or rear yard.

    If the property is a corner lot, the vehicle cannot be parked within the clear vision zone. Second driveway approaches to property must be approved by the City if not using existing approved driveway access. 

    Gresham Revised Code 8.25.050

    Gresham Development Code A5.503

    My neighbor's grass, bushes, shrubs or blackberry vines are coming into my yard. What can I do?

    It is a City code violation to allow these types of vegetation to extend across property lines.

    Report a violation through My Gresham. 

    Gresham Revised Code 7.15.040

    My neighbor's home was tagged with graffiti. How do I get him to remove it?

    It is the property owner's responsibility to remove graffiti. Report the location of the graffiti to Code Compliance, and include a picture when reasonable. 

    Report graffiti on someone else's property through My Gresham.

    Gresham Revised Code 7.80.050

    My neighbors keep parking their vehicles on their lawn. Isn't this illegal?

    Like recreational vehicles, any vehicle on residential property must be parked on an improved, compacted surface, including the driveway. If parked in front of the face of the house, it must be on the driveway. Otherwise, it must be parked in the side or rear yard.

    If the property is a corner lot, the vehicle cannot be parked within the clear vision zone. Second driveway approaches to property must be approved by City, if not using existing approved driveway access.

    Gresham Revised Code 8.25.050

    Gresham Development Code A5.503

    My neighbor's tree limbs are extending over onto my property and causing problems. Can I trim the tree?

    City code does not regulate trees extending over/onto neighboring property. You should discuss this matter with your neighbor.

    Someone dumped a couch in the street. Who do I call to get it removed?

    Report illegal dumping in the public right-of-way to Metro's Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Patrol at 503-234-3000.

    Metro's Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Patrol

    Gresham Revised Code 7.27.040

    The dog down the street is constantly barking. Who do I call?
    The house/vacant lot across the street has tall grass. What can I do?

    City code requires grass and weeds be maintained at a height of 10 inches or less.

    Report a violation through My Gresham.
    Gresham Revised Code 7.15.040

    My neighbor continues to play loud music, has loud parties, band etc. Who do I call?

    Due to resource constraints, the Gresham Police Department is not currently able to respond to noise complaints.

    Read more about noise control code in Article 7.20 of the Gresham Revised Code 7.20.040.

    There are tree limbs that are too low when I walk on the sidewalk or drive on the street. What can be done?

    City code requires trees be trimmed to 8 feet over the sidewalk and 12 feet over the street.

    Report a violation through My Gresham.

    Gresham Revised Code 7.15.040

    What can I do about rats on my property?

    Tips for removing rats or other rodents from your property:

    1. Remove food sources, such as pet food, bird seed or uncomposted food waste.
    2. Eliminate them with traps or poison.
    3. Seal all small openings into your home.
    4. Remove items from your property that may be ideal nesting sites, such as piles of wood or junk, or un-trimmed shrubs.
    5. Hire an exterminator.

    For more information, contact Multnomah County Vector Control at 503-988-3464 or, or visit the Multnomah County web page on rats.

    How do I report a neighbor growing marijuana illegally?

    Marijuana growing

    • Personal medical marijuana grows are allowed in Gresham subject to state law and the Gresham Revised Code.
    • Gresham allows a personal medical marijuana grow of up to six mature medical marijuana plants in a residential area. The patient receiving the marijuana must live at the residence.
    • Additionally, four homegrown marijuana plants are permitted under the recreational marijuana law. Anything more is considered a non-personal grow and is not permitted in a residential area. 

    More information