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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

  • The City commits to making sure community members have fair access to our jobs and services.

    Project information

    • Statement of Work and Deliverables
    • Project Background
    • Milestones and Upcoming Events
    Statement of Work and Deliverables

    The City will:

    • Adopt a DEI statement (complete); read it below.
    • Hire a DEI manager (complete). Welcome Denise Johnson!
    • Develop, recruit, hire and retain a DEI workforce.
    • Support community engagement.
    • Support staff and DEI workforce development.
    • Establish a DEI executive subcommittee.

    View the full list of deliverables

    Project Background

    In summer 2021, Dr. James Mason and the Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment and Training (OCCAT) team finished a diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting project to help the City of Gresham lay a foundation for a long-term DEI program.

    Building off of Dr. Mason's recommendations, the City is establishing a full DEI program with specific actions and goals.

    Milestones and Upcoming Events
    • In December 2020, the City hired Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment and Training (OCCAT) to begin Phase I of its DEI program. View the statement of work and deliverables in the OCCAT contract.
    • Between March-June 2021, Dr. James Mason held a series of workshops with the Gresham City Council. The group discussed rationale for creating and managing a diverse and inclusive workforce and taking equity into account as it relates to service delivery. Watch the June 15 meeting.
    • In August 2021, Dr. Mason submitted a DEI services program report, explaining how a full DEI program could improve the City's ability to achieve more equitable and inclusive outcomes. Dr. Mason proposed a Phase II work plan.
    • In September, the City began the process to hire a DEI manager. 
    • In fall 2021 and winter 2022, City leadership engaged in DEI training, with staff training to follow.
  • Contact us

    For more information, email DEI Manager Denise or call 503-618-2398.