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Economic Development Incentives

  • The City is business-friendly, with tools and incentives to help eligible companies willing to invest and reinvest in Gresham.

    Available City, state and regional programs

  • Property Tax Incentives
    • Enterprise Zone: The City's public/private partnership program provides three to five year property tax abatement on new investments, in exchange for meeting job creation and other business creation requirements.
    • E-Commerce Zone: An income tax credit for companies engaged in electronic commerce and located in an enterprise zone.
    • Gresham Strategic Investment Zone (SIZ): New, qualifying traded-sector business investments within this designated 500 acres of industrial land are eligible for a 15-year partial property tax abatement. 
    • Oregon Strategic Investment Program (SIP): Oregon's globally competitive incentives to encourage business expansion.

    Oregon tax structure

    Oregon's tax structure is beneficial to businesses.

    Read more about Oregon's tax structure and the benefits of moving your business to Oregon.

    Sustainability Incentives
    • GREEN Businesses Program: Helps businesses find smarter strategies for material use and disposal.
    • Commercial Stormwater Fee Reduction Program: Provides stormwater utility fee adjustment information for commercial and industrial customers. Fee reductions are possible for qualified stormwater designs that infiltrate stormwater on-site and don't discharge to the City's stormwater system.
    • Other stormwater incentives could include a reduced stormwater system development charges (SDC) with the use of permeable pavements.

    Other site-specific activities:

    • Ecoroof installation
    • Installation of structural soils to improve tree health in planter strips and parking lots
    • Retention of existing large trees during development 

    For more information contact Christa Britton 503-618-2522 or

    System Development Charge Incentive

    Gresham's incentive allows for deferral of SDC payments until occupancy, or financing SDCs over a period of up to 10 years.

    System Development Charges (SDCs) are one-time fees paid by all new development in Gresham for wastewater, water, stormwater, transportation and parks — collected by the City when a development permit is issued.


    To qualify for deferral or financing of SDCs, the City must obtain a superior lien on the property. As such, this program may not accommodate all new or expanding developments. 

    Some financing sources, e.g., mortgage companies and commercial banks, may not allow superior liens. Interested property owners are encouraged to make early contact with their lender to determine if they will allow a superior lien. Financing fees apply. See master fee schedule.

    For more information about SDC financing, contact:

    Read more about SDCs.

    Vertical Housing Development Zone

    Vertical Housing Development Zone allows eligible mixed-use projects to receive 10 years of up to 80% property tax abatement on buildings that include residential and commercial space.