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  • The City Recorder administers the City’s municipal election activities including local referendums, initiatives and candidate filings for City Council.

    May 2024

    Ballot Measure 26-247: Fire and Police Levy

    November 2024

    Ballot Measures

    • Ballot Measure: Charter Amendment - Urban Renewal
    • Ballot Measure: Charter Amendment - Voter Threshold

    Council Positions

    • Council Position 1
    • Council Position 3
    • Council Position 5

    The filing window for the November 2024 election is June 5 through August 27. An appointment with the City Recorder is required to sign and file the required forms. 

     For more information and filing forms visit Multnomah County 

    If you are interested in running for a City Council position, contact the City Recorder. 

    • Qualifying for City Council
    • Initiatives and Referendums
    Qualifying for City Council

    To qualify to run for Gresham City Council, you must be 18 years of age by the date of election and have resided in Gresham during the 12 months immediately preceding the election.  

    All successful candidates are required by law to file an Annual Verified Statement of Economic Interest form (Oregon Revised Statute 244.050), which is distributed to elected officials by the State of Oregon in March each year in office.

    Read more about Gresham's Mayor and City Council.

    Initiatives and Referendums

    As part of the electoral process residents may propose matters to the local ballot for consideration by voters.

    Visit the State of Oregon Elections Division website for information on how to begin the local initiative or referendum process.

  • Contact

    For more information on City elections contact the City Recorder at 503-618-2695 or