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Get Involved in Emergency Preparedness

  • The City offers many ways to volunteer to help keep your community safe and prepared for emergencies or disaster.

  • Citizen Volunteers in Policing Program

    Gresham’s Citizen Volunteers in Policing (CVIP) are the eyes and ears of the Police Department and create a visible presence in our parks, trails, residential areas and commerce centers. Volunteers do not carry weapons, confront suspects, or participate in altercations; they observe and report.

    Read more about the CVIP program.

    Fire Corps

    Gresham Fire Corps are citizen volunteers who help the Fire Department. Fire Corps volunteers carry out every-day, non-operational tasks so first responders can focus their efforts on the most critical, life-threatening situations. Some of these tasks include providing fire station support and community outreach.

    Station Support Teams

    • Courier mail between Gresham City Hall and the City's fire stations.
    • Provide station support during large scale emergencies.

    Community Outreach Team

    • Assist with staffing community events.
    • Assist in organizing citizen training events.
    • Promote fire safety and emergency preparedness.

    Incident Rehab Team

    Provide assistance to firefighters on prolonged incidents by staffing the rehab vehicle.

    • Hydration
    • Nourishment
    • Place to rest
    • Replenish air tanks

    Contact Kelle Landavazo, 503-618-2567 or, for more information about Fire Corps.

    Neighborhood Ready

    Neighborhood Ready brings neighbors together to keep an eye on their neighborhood, prepare for a disaster, improve safety and prevent crime and vandalism.

    Volunteer activities

    • Work with your neighbors to solve problems.
    • Learn how to reduce opportunities for crime.
    • Build neighborhood and community unity.
    • Partner with Gresham Police.

    You'll learn:

    • How to evaluate and secure homes, including doors, locks, windows, lighting, garages and property appearance.
    • How to observe physical settings, people and routines.

    Read more about Neighborhood Ready.

    Multnomah County Amateur Radio Emergency Service

    Multnomah County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a group of licensed amateur radio operators specially trained to provide emergency communications when telephone, cell service or other communications fail.

    Training is provided to interested volunteers.

    Visit or contact us at for more information.

  • Contact us

    For more information about Emergency Management volunteer opportunities, contact Kelle Landavazo at 503-618-2567 or