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Meet Katie: Environmental Specialist

  • Katie - Environmental SpecialistWhy did you choose this career?

    I wanted to be able to collect information that can inform actual decisions to improve the health of our local ecosystems.

    What do you enjoy about working at the City of Gresham?

    I love that we have the resources, expertise and authority to make meaningful changes.

    What do you do, in a nutshell?

    I conduct studies of pollutants in stormwater runoff to understand how to best reduce pollutants entering streams.

    What's your best advice to someone entering the field?

    Take every opportunity to learn about something that you're interested in. Much of what I know I learned while taking hikes with people who knew the local plants and habitats, and while volunteering at restoration events.

    What are three qualities that help you excel at your job?

    Understanding of math and statistics, ability to adapt to new situations and enjoying getting dirty outside.

    What was your career path?

    Bachelor of Arts in biology, a doctorate in ecology.

    What are the most valuable skills you learned in school that you use on the job?

    How to design a scientific study, analyze data and present it to different people.

    What was your first job?

    Cashier at a drug store. First professional job: Environmental Educator and Amphibian Surveyor for the City of Portland. My first job after I finished all my schooling? This one!

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