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Meet John: Police Captain

  • John - Police SergeantWhy did you choose this career?

    Working as a police officer fits very naturally with my desire to help others.

    What do you enjoy about working at the City of Gresham?

    I thoroughly enjoy working in Gresham and for the City, with its citizens and city employees. I feel supported by my co-workers and I’m thankful for the opportunities being a Gresham Police officer has given me.

    What do you do, in a nutshell?

    I help our department and community in many ways, including working with the media and serving as a crisis negotiator.

    What's your best advice to someone entering the field?

    It’s important to maintain key friendships and activities from your pre-law enforcement days.

    What are three qualities that help you excel at your job?

    Seek justice in all you do. Show compassion and mercy for others, even in the hardest situations. Be humble.

    What was your career path?

    I graduated from Whitworth University with bachelor’s degrees in Theology and Communications, planning on full-time youth ministry while also focusing on prison and street ministry.

    After I was hired by Gresham Police, the department enrolled me in a multi-month police academy through Oregon’s Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.

    What is the most valuable skill you learned in school that you use on the job?

    Critical thinking. It encourages me to utilize both my mind and heart as I serve and interact with humanity.

    What was your first job?

    My first “real” post-college job was working as a residential treatment counselor and case manager for youth involved with the Oregon Youth Authority.

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