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Meet Alberto: Rental Housing Inspector

  • Alberto - Rental Housing InspectorWhy did you choose this career?

    I love buildings, like the construction process, the plumbing, the electricity, the carpentry, the design aspect. In the future, after my kids go to college, I'd like to study architecture.

    What do you enjoy about working at the City of Gresham?

    I learn so much about how the City works, how different departments work. And it's good to ask others how they approach problems and learn from your coworkers – from people who started yesterday to those who have been here 30 years. I get to work on a variety of meaningful projects with people who desire to exercise good stewardship of the resources of our community.

    What do you do, in a nutshell?

    I ensure rental housing units meet the codes for life safety and fire.

    What's your best advice to someone entering the field?

    Be willing to learn new things, constantly.

    What was your career path?

    I studied green manufacturing and earned a four-year degree.

    What are the most valuable skills you learned in school that you use on the job?

    Technical stuff – interpreting a blueprint, materials and dimensions.

    What was your first job?

    A machinist. At the City, I started as a limited-term maintenance helper for Code Compliance.

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