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Historic and Cultural Landmarks List

  • The City updated its Historic and Cultural Landmarks List in 2017 with improved photographs, historical documents and records not found in the 1990 volume. This work provides a connection to Gresham's past and the people who laid the foundation for a modern-day Gresham. 

    Properties on this list must be reviewed by the Historic Resources Subcommittee before City Council decides whether the property meets the criteria for the list.      

    Historic preservation activity

    May is Historic Preservation Month, but it's always a good time to discover history. History isn't just places, names and dates, it is cultures, communities and ways of life. Understanding where we come from can help us understand why we are who we are and do what we do. This is an opportunity to learn a little more about Gresham and yourself. Complete the Discovering History Card and return it to or Gresham City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Pkwy., and receive a small prize.

    Gresham landmarks quiz

    Take our quiz to see how many of Gresham's historic and cultural landmarks you can identify.

    Find historic property information

    The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) maintains the Oregon Historic Sites Database, which includes information on historic places which have been inventoried by SHPO or listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Search for a specific property or browse the map to see what's in your neighborhood. 

    Survey priorities report

    Gresham's 2021 historic survey priorities report identifies areas within Gresham that would benefit from reconnaissance level survey work and how those identified survey needs should be prioritized. This publication was funded with the assistance of a matching grant-in-aid from the Oregon State Historic Preservation office and the Historic Preservation Fund, National Park Service, Department of the Interior. 

    Rockwood and Centennial neighborhoods survey

    In 2020, a Selective Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) was undertaken of roughly 450 properties built prior to 1970 in the Rockwood and Centennial Neighborhoods. The Rockwood and Centennial RLS provides a preliminary evaluation of each surveyed property's historic significance and identified ten properties that may potentially be eligible for listing on the City of Gresham's Cultural and Historic Landmarks List. (Note that identifying these properties in the survey does not designate the properties as historic or trigger any additional regulations.) This publication was funded with the assistance of a matching grant-in-aid from the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office and the Historic Preservation Fund, National Park Service, Department of the Interior.

    Blast from the past

    In 2018 the Historic Resources Subcommittee hosted Blast from the Past, an event highlighting local homes and resources that tell stories from Gresham's past. This event was funded with grant support from the State Historic Preservation Office. Recordings of the event speakers can be found here:

    • David Hedberg, preservation consultant: David discusses his work on Gresham's Historic and Cultural Landmarks List, including stories about Gresham's historic homes. David provides a unique perspective on identifying alternative resources to help tell stories from Gresham's past. Watch David's presentation.
    • Mark Moore, Webfooters: Webfooters is a non-profit organization that brings together people who collect historic postcards as a unique way to discover history. Mark discusses what the Webfooters are about and shares examples and stories from our area. Watch Mark's presentation.