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Housing Capacity Analysis

  • Every six years the housing capacity analysis project (also known as the housing needs analysis project) evaluates Gresham’s housing situation to identify specific housing needs for the next 20 years.

    Project description

    The project will:

    • Review demographics data, including race, ethnicity and age, as well as people experiencing disabilities and/or houselessness.
    • Develop a 20-year housing needs projection.
    • Develop an inventory of buildable lands.
    • Determine residential land needs.
    • Recommend changes, if needed, to Gresham’s comprehensive plan and land use regulations.

    Project information

    • Status and Updates
    • Project Background
    • Project Documents
    • Contact
    Status and Updates

    Project progress and schedule

    • The final 2021-2041 Housing Capacity Analysis has been incorporated into Section 4.800 of Volume 1 of our Comprehensive Plan.
    • On Aug. 17, Council voted unanimously to adopt the 2021-2041 housing capacity analysis into the City's Comprehensive Plan. 
    • This project started in September 2020 and was completed in fall 2021.

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    Project Background

    House Bill 2003

    The Oregon State Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 2003 in 2019 to help communities meet the diverse housing needs of Oregonians.

    The law requires Gresham to study the future housing needs of its residents and to develop strategies to encourage production of that needed housing. The two main requirements of HB 2003 include:

    • The bill requires that every six years Gresham analyze what housing is needed for current and future residents for a 20-year period (the housing capacity analysis).
    • The bill then requires that within one year of completing the housing needs analysis, Gresham complete a Housing Production Strategy that lists specific actions the City can take to promote the development of all identified housing needs.

    The results of the this project will be used to inform numerous housing-related initiatives, including the subsequent housing production strategy. 

    Related links

    Mary Phillips, Senior Comprehensive Planner