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  • A lien on your property may exist if charges or fines owed to the City remain unpaid, such as system development charges, civil penalties, and utility balances. When a lien is issued, the City has a financial claim on your property. Liens affect your ability to sell your property and must be paid in full before ownership of the property can be transferred. Some liens accrue interest over time. Unpaid amounts owed by a previous bill payer at a service address (lien balance) remain with the service address account, and the current owner of that property is responsible for those charges. This is in accordance with state law and city codes.

    Lien reporting

    The City provides constructive notice of liens and interest against real property via the Conduits online reporting service.  Conduits provides instant online access to property reports in accordance with ORS 93.643.  Effective February 1, the City contracts with Net Assets to provide this service called Conduits.

     Request a lien report

    If you are a new Conduit user, contact Net Assets to set up an account. Email  or call 541-485-8876.  Visit Net Assets for more information.

    Reports and fees

    Reports include all interest and balances owed to the City which includes, local improvements, system development, assessments, nuisance abatement, utility billing, utility liens, and active code enforcement charges. This search does not include any private or other related property liens which still must be researched through the county clerk.

    This is a fee-based service that most subscribers such as title companies, escrow agents, financial institutions, and real estate professionals utilize in performing searches as part of real estate transactions. The current report search fee is $30.00 approved by City Council for each property search performed with a 60-day re-search ability. For one-time or infrequent searches, we recommend contacting a title company to perform the search for you as the service is not intended for general public access.


    For further assistance, contact us at 503-618-2126 or