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Marijuana Businesses in Gresham

  •  Eligible marijuana dispensary and grow sites

    Registration and employee forms

    New business registration application

    For new marijuana businesses not already approved by the City of Gresham, you must first identify an approved location for a marijuana business and review GRC 9.63 to confirm that the business will meet all code requirements.

    Contact us for an application

    Business registration renewal

    Renew marijuana business license

    • Yearly renewal is required for existing marijuana businesses already approved by the City.
    • Your email must be registered with the City license account before you can renew online. If you need assistance, please contact
    • Once you log in and update your information, we will send you an invoice by email to pay the outstanding renewal amount. Use the link in the email to pay the invoice online.

    Please be prepared to upload the following to complete your renewal:

    1. Signed and notarized affidavit (GRC 9.63.040(1))
    2. State of Oregon registration from OHA/OMMP or OLCC (GRC 9.63.040(1)(b))
    3. State of Oregon Business License (business information and address must match application)
    4. Certificate of insurance (GRC 9.63.080(3))
    5. New employees not already rostered with the business

    A review of the business employee roster will also be required, but not submitted with the renewal application.

    New hire or employee removal form

    New hire or employee removal form:Use this form to add employees not included with your initial marijuana business application and/or to inform the City when an employee is no longer employed by your business.

    Business rules and regulations

  • New Applications Must Include

    Applications for new marijuana businesses in Gresham are not accepted electronically. You must contact to obtain an application.

    • Completed application form, including signature and notary.
    • Contact information for on-site manager or point of contact and primary business contact.
    • State of Oregon registration from Oregon Health Authority (for medical marijuana business).
    • State of Oregon registration from Oregon Liquor Control Commission (for recreational marijuana business).
    • Certificate of insurance; see insurance requirements for marijuana businesses.
    • Current marijuana worker permit for all employees associated with the business.
    • A dimensioned floor plan of the entire space.
    • A mechanical ventilation plan.
    Business Inspections
    • Quarterly inspections based on City checklist
    • Random inspections at any time during business hours
    • Failed inspection can result in re-inspection fees, civil penalties and potential suspension or revocation of a registration
    Standards of Operation
    • Must comply with all applicable laws.
    • Must meet insurance requirements.
    • Hours of operation are allowed Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am - 10:00 pm daily.
    • Must have a ventilation system to prevent odors from escaping the premises.
    • Must meet lighting requirements.
    • Drive-through or walk-up windows are prohibited.
    • On-site manufacturing prohibited within dispensaries.
    • Outdoor storage prohibited.
    • Sales or transfer of product shall occur inside the business.
    • Secure disposal of marijuana waste required.
    • Marijuana use prohibited on site.
    • Use of open flame/combustibles prohibited.
    Fees and Taxes


    • Registration application: $5,130
    • Application completeness review: $260
    • Registration renewal: $5,130
    • Registration update: $260
    • Re-inspection fee: $410 (per site visit)
    • Off-hours inspection: $620 (site visit)
    • Employee roster additions: $110 (application includes first 10)


    Business Research Facilities, Testing Labs

    Business rules and regulations, and application for testing laboratories and research facilities.

    Registration application for marijuana testing and research facilities

    Application must include

    • Oregon Liquor Control Commission registration documentation
    • Description of the proposed business
    • Information about the applicant; owner; financial stakeholders; real property owner/manager; operation manager; employees/volunteers

    Business standards of operation

    • Must comply with all applicable laws.
    • Must meet lighting requirements.
    • Outdoor storage prohibited.
    • Secure disposal of marijuana waste required.
    • Marijuana use prohibited on site.

    Business fee schedule

    • Registration application: $520
    • Registration renewal: $520
    • Registration update: $260

    Fees and taxes

  • Contact

    For more information contact us at 503-618-2248 or