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Natural Resources Program

  • Restoration projects in natural areas help return the ecosystem to a healthy, functioning condition.
  • Restoration projects in Gresham

    Our restoration work is helping to improve water quality, minimize erosion and property loss, reduce flood damage and boost diversity of plant and animal life.

  • Butler Creek

    Butler Creek in southwest Gresham has more than 10 acres of flat floodplain and is surrounded by steep slopes, Douglas firs and Western red cedars.

    Butler Creek meets Johnson Creek at Southwest 14th Drive.

    Project goals  

    •  Remove invasive plants.
    •  Reintroduce healthy native plant population.
    •  Stabilize vulnerable stream banks.
    •  Increase shading over stream to reduce stream temperature.
    •  Increase wildlife habitat.


    •  Invasive plants cleared: 9 acres
    • Native plants installed: 10,982
    • Volunteer hours: 4,560

    Project partners 

    •  AmeriCorps
    • Alpha High School
    • Johnson Creek Watershed Council.
    Eagle Woods

    Eagle Woods in southwest Gresham is along the Springwater Trail and encompasses both side of Johnson Creek.

    Project goals

    • Remove invasive plants.
    • Increase diversity of native plant life.
    • Stabilize vulnerable stream banks.
    • Increase shading over stream to reduce stream temperature.
    • Increase wildlife habitat.
    • Enhance and increase tree canopy cover.


    • Invasive plants cleared: 3 acres
    • Native plants installed: 3,425
    • Volunteer hours: 742

     Project partners 

    • AmeriCorps
    • Centennial Learning Center
    • Johnson Creek Watershed Council
    Fairview Creek Headwaters

    The Fairview Creek headwaters site is located in southwest Gresham between Division and Powell.  The 38-acre wetland eventually empties in the Columbia Slough.

    Project goals 

    • Reduce reed canary grass infestation.
    • Increase shading over the stream to reduce stream temperature.
    • Increase wildlife habitat.


    • Invasive plants cleared:  2 acres
    • Native plants installed: 7,500
    • Volunteer hours: 1,063

    Project partners 

    • AmeriCorps
    • Multnomah Youth Corps
    Hogan Creek

    Hogan Creek is a tributary of Johnson Creek. The southeast Gresham project site is a large, forested area encompassing the entire Hogan Creek. The emphasis of the project is the area where Hogan Creek flows into Johnson Creek.

    Project goals

    • Remove invasive plants.
    • Increase diversity of native plant population.
    • Increase wildlife habitat.
    • Increase shading over streams to reduce stream temperature.


    • Invasive plants cleared: 2.5 acres 
    • Native plants installed: 2,764
    • Volunteer hours: 423

    Project partners 

    • AmeriCorps
    • Johnson Creek Watershed Council
    Linnemann Wetland

    The Linnemann wetland is a backwater of Johnson Creek located along the Springwater Train in southwest Gresham.

    Project goals 

    • Remove invasive plants.
    • Reintroduce healthy native plants.
    • Stabilize banks and reduce erosion.
    • Increase shading over wetland to reduce water temperatures.
    • Increase wildlife habitat (food sources, breeding sites and cover).


    • Invasive plants cleared: .5 acres
    • Native plants installed: 500
    • Volunteer hours: 200

    Project partners 

    • AmeriCorps
    • Johnson Creek Watershed Council
    • Mt. Hood Community College
    • Springwater Trail High School
    Springwater Woods

    Springwater Woods is located directly off the Springwater Trail in southeast Gresham.  Johnson Creek and several small streams meander through the active wetland.

    Project goals 

    • Remove invasive plants.
    • Reintroduce healthy native plants.
    • Reduce reed canary grass infestation.
    • Increase wildlife habitat.


    • Invasive plants cleared: 2.5 acres
    • Native plants installed: 2,700
    • Volunteer hours: 978

    Project partners 

    • AmeriCorps
    • Johnson Creek Watershed Council
    • Mt. Hood Community College
    • Springwater Trail High School
  • Want to help? 

    Volunteers are welcome from the community, schools, service groups and businesses. Work days can be arranged nearly every day of the week. 

    Contact us

    Contact Mike Wallace at 503-618-2246 or