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Neighborhood Traffic Calming

  • Speed bumps and medians manage neighborhood traffic problems. Residents must submit a petition to the City outlining traffic problems. Once a neighborhood traffic calming petition is submitted to the Transportation Division, preliminary traffic data is collected such as volume, speed and number of accidents. The project is then ranked. The City can undertake only one project per year, due to limited funding.

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    • Step 1: Neighborhood residents submit petition to the City outlining traffic problems and concerns.
    • Step 2: Project evaluation ranking; projects are ranked each year; one is chosen per year.
    • Step 3: Community meeting No. 1, in which staff presents process, types of controls, traffic data, takes community input and forms a neighborhood Citizens Traffic Committee.
    • Step 4: Development of alternative plans for a project test, a collaboration between City Transportation staff and the Citizens Traffic Committee.
    • Step 5: Community meeting No. 2, in which City staff and Citizens Traffic Committee present alternatives and recommended project test plan.
    • Step 6: Installation of project test devices on street for one to three months to test and collect data.
    • Step 7: Project test evaluation, a collaboration between City staff and the Citizens Traffic Committee.
    • Step 8: Community meeting No. 3, in which City staff and the Citizens Traffic Committee report test results and seek community input.
    • Step 9: Poll of affected residents, to be conducted by the City.
    • Step 10: Project recommendation to Gresham City Council, conducted by City staff.
    • Step 11: City constructs neighborhood traffic calming project.

    Estimated time for the process is 10 to 12 months.

    Contact us

    For more information contact Jim Gelhar at 503-618-2295 or