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Tackling crime through technology: Gresham Police installing advanced cameras

September 6, 2022

Through grant funding and investments approved by City Council, Gresham Police Department has deployed 24 cameras with ten additional cameras to be installed soon. Using evidence-based analysis, these cameras are strategically being installed throughout Gresham in the areas experiencing an increase in criminal activity. 

Because these cameras are noticeable, they have been shown to reduce crime in some areas by between 20-50%. Since prioritizing this program over the past year, Gresham Police Department has successfully recovered video footage for 106 criminal investigations. In addition, studies show that the use of visible cameras led to an overall reduced fear of crime, increased medical assistance, and information gathering to aid in police investigations. 

The Gresham Police Department began implementing what is known in law enforcement as ‘overt cameras’, because they are noticeable, in 2012, starting with just three cameras. However, in the past year, an intentional effort has been made to prioritize this program as one part of a comprehensive plan around gun violence. In May 2022, Gresham City Council approved the purchase of 15 additional cameras for use by the Gresham Police Department. 

“This is a significant investment in public safety for Gresham,” said Gresham Police Chief Travis Gullberg. “Being one of the few cities in the region to utilize this technology puts Gresham on the forefront of proactive policing strategies and more importantly will act as a deterrent to criminal activity.”

It is important to note that the footage from cameras is not monitored by the Gresham Police Department. Rather, the footage is used to gather information and aid in investigations once a crime has occurred, increasing the likelihood of the successful prosecution of crimes. 

“The use of overt cameras is one part of a greater strategy to address the increase of violent crimes in Gresham,” said Deputy City Manager Corey Falls. “With the Safe Gresham initiative, we’re leveraging police strategies in conjunction with City resources and local partnerships to counter the challenges we’re facing.”

What has been done so far through Safe Gresham

  • City Council allocated $5.2 million in American Rescue Plan Funds to public safety.
  • Expanded the City’s overt camera program.
  • Renewed focus on recruiting and retention efforts for the Gresham Police Department, which has led to seven officers joining the department since November.
  • Participation in enhanced safety patrol missions with Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and the Portland Police Bureau.
  • Investing over $2 million to establish the Youth Violence Prevention program and the Youth Service Division within the City. 

Additional efforts still underway

  • Adding a Deputy District Attorney dedicated to gun violence.
  • Providing additional crime prevention through environmental design support for local businesses.
  • Hiring four additional community safety specialist positions.
  • Adding an investigative analyst to focus on gun violence-related activities.
  • Adding street level intervention personnel who can respond to shooting incidents with case management and intervention techniques to deter retaliatory violence.

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