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Planner on Duty

  • Contact the Planner on Duty (POD)

    Current response time is within two business days.

    • 503-618-2780 (please leave a detailed message, including specific property information)

    In-person planner on duty services

    Planner on duty services are available at Gresham City Hall on Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm.

    Zoning information

    Development Planning

    Have a project you'd like to get started in Gresham? Development planning works with you to plan for and complete projects in a way that meets Gresham's needs now and in the future.

    The development planning application process begins when you contact the Planner on Duty (POD). Most answers will be site-specific, so be sure you have an address or other way to identify a property. You can:

    • Email questions to 
    • Call 503-618-2780. If you reach a voicemail, please leave a detailed message including specific property information and the Planner on Duty will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Visit our handouts, applications and forms page for documents relevant to your project. 

    Process and timelines

    Review procedure

    How land use decisions are made and who makes them is based on how complex the development is and the degree of impact it would have on the community. Gresham has the following four types of review:

    • Type I: The Type I procedure is used when there are clear and objective standards and criteria that do not require interpretation of the exercise of policy or legal judgment in an application. The decision is made by City staff. 
    • Type II: The Type II procedure is used when the standards and criteria are reasonably objective and require limited discretion. The decision is made by City staff.
    • Type III: The Type III procedure is used when the standards and criteria require discretion and where there may be public interest. The decision is made by a hearing body (such as the Design Commission, Planning Commission or City Council), based on a recommendation by City staff.
    • Type IV: Type IV applications include zone map amendments, vacation of right-of-way, and non-expedited annexations. These generally involve a relatively large geographic area of multiple property owners. Decisions are made by City Council based on a recommendation by the Planning Commission and City staff.

    Land use decisions

    Early neighborhood notification

    An Early Neighborhood Meeting is intended to give nearby property owners opportunity to learn about development projects and provide input.

    Early neighborhood notifications

    Completeness review

    All applications are reviewed for completeness. For an application to be deemed complete, the applicant must pay the required fees, provide a narrative addressing all relevant criteria, and supply the required information listed in the submittal checklist. If an application is incomplete, a completeness notice will list missing information and what the applicant has yet to submit.

    Incomplete land use application


    All land use decisions may be appealed by the applicant and by any person or agent who provided comment in cases where public comments are submitted. Appeals consider whether the original staff or hearing body correctly applied development code rules in making the decision.


    The time it takes to receive a land use permit depends on the complexity of the project, the type of procedure that applies, and how quickly a complete application is achieved by the applicant. There are state-mandated maximum timelines that can be postponed by the applicant, if desired.