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Police, Fire and Parks Fee

  • The City charges a Police, Fire and Parks Fee to help maintain police positions and keep our fire stations and parks open.

    Council approved extending the temporary fee increase at $15 per month to support police, fire and parks services through June 30, 2024.

    • The per-unit fee is charged on utility bills to single-family households, multifamily property owners and businesses.
    • The fee, including the temporary extension, is expected to raise $7.8 million in fiscal year 2023-2024.
    • All this money goes toward paying for police, fire and parks; 95% is dedicated to police and fire, 5% to parks.

    For more information, contact or call 503-618-2325. 

    Frequently asked questions

    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • FAQs for Multifamily Properties
    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the fee?

    The Police, Fire and Parks Fee of $15 per month is charged to single-family households, multifamily property owners and businesses to help maintain essential police positions and keep our fire stations open. The per-unit fee was shaped by a public input process in 2012. 

    What does the fee pay for?

    95% of the fee proceeds are used to support public safety services. The remaining 5% goes toward parks.

    Who will pay the fee?

    All Gresham utility customers, including residences, businesses and industry will pay the fee. The benefit and burden is shared by the entire community.

    Are there accountability measures to ensure the money is spent properly?

    Yes, all fees collected will be placed in a dedicated fund to be used only for police, fire and parks services. The City's Finance Committee will receive regular reports on the use of this dedicated fund.

    Why is the fee on my utility bill?

    The City is able to avoid administrative costs related to processing and printing invoices by using this established system rather than generating a separate bill.

    I lease business space in a building. Will I pay the fee?

    Whether or not the fee will be passed on to the tenant will be determined by the lease or rental agreement.

    I have an in-home business. Will I be charged twice?

    No, only the utility bill for the house will be charged the fee. The in-home business will not be charged a second fee.

    FAQs for Multifamily Properties

    What is the fee?

    The Police, Fire and Parks Fee of $15 per month, per unit, is charged to single-family households, multifamily property owners and businesses to help maintain essential police positions and keep our fire stations and parks open. The fee was shaped by a robust public input process in 2012.

    Who is responsible for paying the fee?

    The Police, Fire and Parks Fee is included on the City utility bill. The customer responsible for paying the City utility account is responsible for payment of the fee.

    What about multifamily vacancies?

    A 4.1% vacancy discount will be applied to the fee for all multifamily development.

    What does the fee pay for?

    95% of the fee proceeds are used to support public safety services. The remaining 5 percent goes toward parks.

    Can a multifamily property manager pass the fee on to tenants?

    Whether or not the fee will be passed on to a tenant will be determined by the lease or rental agreement.