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Property and Evidence

  • What should I do if my personal property is lost or stolen?

    You should file a report as soon as possible if your property is lost or stolen.

    • Include all items' serial numbers or owner-applied numbers in the report. Items lost or stolen reported with serial numbers are more likely to be returned to their owners.
    • If you have lost property and would like to know if it has been turned in, call 503-618-2045. Due to staffing shortages, inquires may take longer than normal to respond to.
    How do I retrieve my property that was taken for safekeeping?

    Property releases are made on Tuesdays through Thursdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm by appointment only. Call the Gresham Police Property and Evidence Section at 503-618-2045 to schedule an appointment. Due to staffing shortages, inquires may take longer than normal to respond to.

    • Property and Evidence Section hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday, at 675 NE 181st Ave.
    • Property for safekeeping is held for 60 days and then disposed of in accordance with ORS 98.245

    You must present valid photo ID and one of the following:

    • Property in custody form listing you as the owner of the property. This form is provided by Police when an incident occurs.
    • Notarized release form from the owner of the property granting authority to retrieve their property.
    How do I retrieve property that was taken as evidence?

    All property taken by the Gresham Police Department as evidence or stolen property is held until destruction or release is ordered by the trial court or the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office. 

    • Release may also be granted by the investigating officer.
    • Once a release has been granted in writing, you may contact Gresham Police at 503-618-2045 to schedule an appointment. Due to staffing shortages, inquires may take longer than normal to respond to.
    • Gresham Police will not release property involved in an ownership dispute until rightful ownership is determined. 

    You must present valid photo ID and one of the following:

    • Property in custody form listing you as the owner of the property. This form is provided by Police when an incident occurs.
    • Notarized release form from the owner of the property granting authority to retrieve their property.
    How do I claim my firearm?

    The claimant must complete a written request for gun release form, in addition to complying with either the safekeeping or return of evidence procedures listed above.

    • A background check will be performed to determine the eligibility of the claimant to possess the weapon. Background checks can take up to 15 days and an appointment will be scheduled once this check is complete.
    • The Gresham Police Department will not release ammunition on the same day as a weapon.
    How do I claim found property?

    Finder's claim information

    If you are the finder of property you may be eligible to file a Finder’s Claim and gain legal title (ORS 98.005). If the property or money is $100 or more in value and the owner is unknown, the following procedures must be followed under Oregon state law:

    • Within 10 days after the finding, you must file a notice in writing to the County Clerk within the county that the money or items were found.
    • Within 20 days after the finding, you must publish, in a newspaper of general circulation in Multnomah County, a notice of the finding.
    • You must do this once each week for two consecutive weeks.
    • The notice must state the general description of the property, your name and the final date that the goods may be claimed by the owner, which is 90 days after the Notice of Finding is filed with the County Clerk.

    Once the above steps are completed and no claim has been made on the property, you may contact the Gresham Police Department Property and Evidence Section at 503-618-2045 to schedule an appointment. Due to staffing shortages, inquires may take longer than normal to respond to.

    You must present valid photo ID and one of the following:

    • Property in custody form listing you as the owner of the property. This form is provided by Police when an incident occurs.
    • Notarized release form from the owner of the property granting authority to retrieve their property.

    Owner’s information

    If you observe your property listed in a notice, or receive a letter from the Gresham Police Department, call 503-618-2045 for additional instructions. Be prepared to provide proof of ownership and/or detailed item description.

    Found property will be held for a period of 60 days before it is considered unclaimed.

    What if my medication was seized?

    These items will be destroyed. If notice is given to the Gresham Police Department within 10 days of seizure, we will provide written notice to a doctor’s office indicating the count and a description of the medication that has been destroyed. This policy also applies to seized medical marijuana.

    What happens to unclaimed property?

    Current unclaimed property list

    Unclaimed property is held for 30 days. If property is not claimed within this 30-day period it is either destroyed or auctioned. Gresham Police uses for all auctioned items.  

    If you have any ownership interest in any unclaimed property, you must file a claim with the Gresham Police Department within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, or you will lose your interest in that property. Satisfactory proof of lawful ownership must be presented before property will be returned.