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Rockwood Pattern Book

  • Project description

    The vision for Rockwood is to create a village center of high-quality, long-lasting, safe and sustainable development in a pedestrian friendly environment where residents can live, work and play. To implement this vision, Gresham has created Design Guidelines and Standards to ensure future development and renovations accomplish the goals and policies established in the Rockwood Plan. The Rockwood Pattern Book represents an element of this larger planning effort to revitalize and improve the urban form of the Rockwood area.

    The Pattern Book is a companion tool to the Design Guidelines and Standards that will assist the Rockwood property owners and developers in the design of beautiful buildings of enduring quality and design. The Design Guidelines and Standards identify design elements needing to be addressed, and the Pattern Book illustrates attractive and stylistically correct details and forms addressing those design elements. The Pattern Book is created to assist those with a variety of architectural design backgrounds to create attractive buildings by using stylistically correct architectural vocabulary.  

    • Project documents
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    Project documents

    This Pattern Book is a companion tool to the Rockwood Design Standards that will assist property owners and developers in the design of beautiful buildings of enduring quality and design.


    Mary Phillips
    Senior Design Planner