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Code Compliance

  • Our Code Compliance team assists property owners in resolving general nuisance issues in Gresham, including:

    • Abandoned vehicles (parked on street only)*
    • Overgrown vegetation
    • Graffiti
    • Junk
    • Garbage
    • RV parking permits
    • Abandoned properties
    • Marijuana-related matters

    * Properties not already under a no parking contract (signed, with tow company signs) must post a 72-hour tow notice if a vehicle parked on private property is not removed. A tow company may tow the vehicle and charge the property owner for the service. For more information, review theĀ Private property tow packet.

  • Report a code violation

    • Report online through My Gresham.
    • Call 503-618-2248.
    • Only non-emergency issues should be reported.
  • What can I do if I believe a violation exists?

    Make contact with the responsible person

    • Describe the problem.
    • Discuss how it affects you and possible solutions.

    Issues are often resolved without City action when neighbors discuss their concerns directly with one another.

    Contact East County Resolutions

    If making contact with the responsible person is not successful, contact East County Resolutions at 503-618-3247 or

    A skilled mediator can help clarify issues so the people involved can move forward. This free service has helped many difficult cases find mutual cooperation.

    East County Resolutions

    Submit a complaint

    If you believe there is a violation in your neighborhood or near your business:

    • Report it online through My Gresham.
    • Call 503-618-2248.
      • Please speak clearly, as our voice message system is transcribed by a machine.
      • Requests are reviewed within two business days, depending on volume.
    Required information
    • The specific location, including address or nearest address.
    • A description of complaint and violation.
    • A contact name, phone number and email (if applicable).

    The City will not accept a complaint if any of the above information is missing.

    • Complaints are addressed as staff time allows, typically within five business days.
    • Let us know if you would like a response.
    Can my complaint be anonymous?

    No, the City does not accept anonymous complaints, but submitter information is kept confidential to the best extent permitted under the law. If the City receives a lawful order to release the City's records, it may not be possible to keep your account information confidential.

    What happens after I file a complaint?
    • Usually the person responsible for an alleged violation is given an opportunity to voluntarily comply and correct the situation. This timeframe is typically 7-45 days, depending on the type or severity of the violation.
    • The majority of general nuisance cases are resolved within 60 days of property owner notification.
    • The City's goal is to resolve violations in a timely manner and without additional enforcement measures. When violations continue to exist and the deadline in our notice has passed, the owner or responsible person may be subject to one or more civil penalties.

    Civil penalties

    This remedy is typically used for violations more than 45 days in non-compliance or for properties with repeat offenses.

    • The amount for violations of the Gresham Revised Code varies from $180-$5,000 depending on the nature of the violation and how long it has existed.
    • Gresham Development Code violations carry a $500 penalty.
    • Gresham Building Code violations carry penalties ranging from $200-$1,000.


    Subject to available budget resources, this remedy is used as one of the last resorts where the City requires the property owner to take action to abate the nuisance.

    • If the property owner fails to take corrective action, the City may hire a contractor to correct the violations.
    • All costs of abatement are due and payable by the property owner and may become a lien on the property if left unpaid.

    Judicial remedies

    The assistance of the city attorney is requested when the property owner fails to voluntarily comply. The City Attorney may file criminal or civil cases against the responsible parties. This rarely occurs, and usually requires City Council approval.