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Springwater Trail Tree Vandalism

  • Someone is illegally cutting trees on the Springwater Trail. We are asking for our community’s help.

    Ways you can help

    If you see someone cutting down trees or committing other acts of vandalism, please keep your distance for your own safety. Do not confront or engage with anyone.

    • If you see someone actively damaging trees and/or vandalizing the Springwater Trail, call the Police non-emergency line at 503-823-3333. Response times will vary.
    • If vandalism is not actively taking place but you have information/photos you would like to share, report it through MyGresham.
    • You can also email or call 503-618-2657.

    Springwater Trail tree vandalism

    • The vandal has been cutting trees down illegally since August 2021.
    • The targeted areas include around the Seventh Street Bridge extending west to Towle and around the Regner Road area along the trail; see map.
    • To date, an estimated 100 trees have been vandalized using a bow saw and machete. This person should be considered dangerous.
    • The City’s internal task force is trying to identify the person vandalizing public property.
    • Additional efforts include installing security cameras and signs along the trail and working with the Gresham Police Department.

    Tree removal fines

    • Removing or damaging trees, shrubs or plants in parks and natural areas is a violation of the Gresham Revised Code (GRC), Fines may include up to $500 per tree.
    • Removing trees from someone else’s property without consent, including the unpermitted removal of City trees, may be considered a timber trespass or other state violation or offense; see ORS 105.810. Potential fines include being held liable for the cost of investigation, attorney fees, treble damages and reforestation. 


    Keri Handaly, Watershed Community Liaison
