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Stormdrain Cleaning Assistance Program (SCAP)

  • This voluntary program for businesses in Gresham, Troutdale, Fairview, and Wood Village offers cleaning of parking lot drains for a flat fee of $55 per drain. 

    Why we offer this program 

    The City coordinates this discount program to assist area businesses. Storm drains require regular cleaning to remove pollutants and prevent flooding. Businesses are responsible for maintenance of storm drains on their property. 

    How it works

    This program is offered in the fall and spring each year. To register your property for the spring 2024 season, complete the form below or call for assistance. The service provider will contact you in a few weeks to schedule your cleaning and will bill you after the work is done. If you change your mind, you may decline service when you are contacted for scheduling.

    The per-drain fee covers removal of debris from standard parking lot drains. It does not include jetting, repair, or oversized catch basins. The service provider may offer a quote for additional services which you are free to accept or decline. Sign up by April 30.

    Sign up now


    If you have questions about this program, please contact us at or 503-618-2522.