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Transportation Network Company Regulation Program

  • Transportation network companies (like Uber and Lyft) connect passengers to drivers that provide rides, usually through a smartphone app.

    Gresham’s TNC Regulation Program, in partnership with the City of Portland, ensures:

    • Uber and Lyft passengers can expect a safe and equitable trip.
    • Drivers can operate regionally with consistent rules and regulations.

    Safety regulations, accessibility requirements

    In 2020, the City Council adopted regulations for TNCs to:

    • Prevent unsafe drivers from operating in Gresham.
    • Require criminal background checks and driving history reviews.
    • Require vehicles pass safety inspections.
    • Require operating companies have zero tolerance policies for discrimination.
    • Require accepting ride requests from any location in Gresham.
    • Require reasonable accommodation of ride requests made by people with disabilities and requests for wheelchair accessible service.

    See Gresham Revised Code section 9.65.

    • Information for Drivers
    • Information for Riders
    • Background
    Information for Drivers

    Current drivers

    If you are an Uber or Lyft driver currently permitted to operate in Portland, Gresham’s new regulations will not disrupt your ability to operate in either city. No action is needed from you.  

    Under the new regulations, any driver holding a current City of Portland permit is entitled to operate in Gresham until a new joint Portland/Gresham permit is issued to you automatically from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).

    Gresham adopted the current dates for driver certification and background check compliance for each permitted Portland driver. 

    New drivers

    Qualifying drivers new to the system will be issued a joint Portland/Gresham permit by PBOT. 

    Apply for a private for-hire permit


     Learn more about Portland/Gresham’s private for-hire transportation program.

    TNC drivers with permit questions may call 503-823-7483 or email

    Information for Riders

    Regulations are in place to ensure all Uber and Lyft rides are safe, reliable and accessible to people hailing rides in Gresham.

    The program funds safety inspections and background checks to make sure that drivers are who they say they are, and their vehicle registration and insurance are up to date.

    File a complaint


    In November 2020, the Gresham City Council implemented safety regulations and accessibility requirements for transportation network companies (like Uber and Lyft), which provide Gresham riders with additional protections.

    • Transportation network companies (TNCs) use a digital network or smartphone app to connect passengers to drivers that provide rides.
    • Cities and states are increasingly regulating TNCs to ensure safety, assess traffic and impact on roads, and monitor emissions.
    • The regulations prevent unsafe drivers from operating in Gresham, ensure that vehicles are safe and enhance equity for riders, consistent with regulations in neighboring Portland.

    Portland/Gresham partnership

    Gresham partners with the Portland Bureau of Transportation to administer many aspects of Gresham’s program.

    Many TNC drivers operate seamlessly between the two cities. The Portland/Gresham partnership creates a simple, region-wide system that reduces bureaucratic hurdles for drivers.

    TNC trip fee

    As part of this new program, transportation network companies will remit to the City of Gresham a nominal fee of 50 cents for each trip that originates in Gresham.

    • Fee revenue will fund administration and regulation of this program.
    • Fee revenue will fund City services impacted by the operation of TNCs, like transportation planning, public safety and code enforcement.    

    View the full Gresham Revised Code regulating transportation network companies (section 9.65).