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Water Flushing

  • Flushing waterlines is important maintenance work to keep our water system safe and reliable. Flushing removes sediment in pipes and ensures water valves and hydrants are operating properly.  

    Flushing schedule 

    Flushing is scheduled annually. Normally flushing is completed March - May. Crews are working in the Grant Butte neighborhood and near Powell Blvd. Find out where crews are working. View the flushing map

    What to expect

    • Neighborhood flushing occurs during the day. 
    • Flushing near business districts occurs during the evening to reduce disruptions.
    • Notification signs on streets where flushing is taking place.  
    • Crews will be working in the street and at hydrants.  
    • A large hose is attached to a fire hydrant to release a fast flow of water.  
    • You may experience low water pressure during flushing. 

    Limit water usage during flushing  

    • Water flushing clears out sediment that may have collected in pipes. The sediment may cause temporary discoloration in your water. The discoloration affects the appearance of the water.  
    • Discolored water does not impact the quality of the water or pose a health risk.  
    • Water service will remain on during flushing.  
    • Limit water usage between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm if flushing is happening in your neighborhood. 
    • Avoid washing laundry during flushing hours, until the water runs clear, then wash a load of dark clothes first.  
    • Avoid running dishwashers and using refrigerator water dispenser.

    After flushing is complete 

    If you notice any discoloration of your water, follow these steps to clear your water lines:  

    • Turn on each cold-water faucet and allow the water to run until it is clear again. It may take a few minutes to clear your lines.  
    • Flush each toilet two times. 

    Contact us

    If you have questions about the water flushing program, contact Operations Center staff at 503-618-2626.

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  • Background

    Maintaining Gresham’s water delivery system is an important part of our commitment to providing safe and reliable water to our community. Gresham crews will be in neighborhoods flushing the water system one to two times per year. This work will allow us to safely transition our Cascade groundwater source in 2026. Learn more about the Cascade Groundwater Alliance