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Budget and Financial Planning

  • The City's budget protects and preserves public services that provide community prosperity.

    The annual budget runs from July 1 through June 30.

    Budget and financial documents

    • Budget Process
    • Funding Challenges and Solutions
    • Key Principles
    Budget Process

    From start to finish, budget work takes a year

    Informational circle graphic with arrows showing Gresham's yearly budget process. Summer and fall is planning, winter is finalizing budget, spring is public meetings and June is budget adoption.

    July to November: Budget planning and financial forecasting. 

    November to January: Develop budget proposals and Capital Improvement Plan.

    February to March: Balance funds and finalize the proposed budget.

    April to May: Budget Committee meetings. Open to the public.

    June: Council adopts the budget and Capital Improvement Plan. 

    July 1: Budget is applied.

    Funding Challenges and Solutions

    Limited by property taxes and fees that have not been raised in years, the City’s budget struggles to keep up – let alone fund big dreams.

    That’s why the City Council is considering long-term solutions for the community. Many options are being explored, from fees to bonds to districts.

    Learn more about funding challenges and solutions.

    Key Principles

    Gresham's budget process is guided by Oregon budget law and these key principles:

    • Protect and preserve essential services that impact daily lives and property values.
    • Enhance fiscal sustainability through multi-year financial planning and decision-making.
    • Support aggressive pursuit of investment and employment for community prosperity and fiscal health.
    • Position the organization for the future.
    • Support adopted Strategic Plan.

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    • Watch a short overview of the process and structure.