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Financial Road Map

  • Gresham’s Financial Road Map is a plan to fund a full-service City organization with the resources needed to deliver exceptional community services.

    Read Gresham's Financial Road Map

    Plan at-a-glance

    • Duration: July 2023 to June 2026
    • Focus: General Fund
    • Services: Police, Fire, Parks, Community Development and Livability
    • Adopted: By City Council in September 2022

    Why does Gresham need a financial road map?

    Our goal is to support a high quality of life for our community.

    But we’re at a critical turning point in Gresham. Limited by property taxes and fees that haven’t been raised in years, the City’s budget struggles to keep up – let alone fund big dreams.

    A financial road map will support the City in becoming financially stable over the next three years and our work to carry out the community vision identified in Gresham’s Strategic Plan

    Next steps

    • The City Council met to discuss options for long-term funding. Watch the July 18 Council discussion
    • With the failure of the Gresham Safety Levy, Council put temporary measures in place to legally balance the 2023-2024 budget. This includes cost reductions, using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, and extending the $15 Police, Fire and Parks Fee. This avoids service reductions in Police and Fire. Watch the June 6 Council discussion

    Budget and financial impacts

    • The Financial Road Map informs the proposed City budgets for fiscal years 2023-2024 through 2025-2026.
    • The Road Map outlines the revenue tools needed to reduce the projected deficit between revenue and expenses and to improve service delivery.
    • Total anticipated new General Fund revenue would total $28.2 million over three years.


    Assistant City Manager