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Lead in Drinking Water

  • Elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children.  

    Gresham’s drinking water 

    Gresham's public water system is safe. There are no known lead service lines in Gresham’s 244-mile distribution system. Learn more about the service line inventory project.

    Learn more about lead

  • How Lead Gets in Drinking Water

    The water pipe that connects the water meter to a building is the property owner’s responsibility.  

    Some homes built or plumbed before 1985 are known to have used higher-risk pipe materials. The City monitors some higher-risk homes. Find out more about the service line inventory project

    • Exposure to lead through drinking water is possible if materials in a building’s plumbing contain lead.   
    • Lead enters drinking water primarily because of corrosion in plumbing and fixtures.  
    • Building materials that increase risk include lead-based solder that joins copper pipes, brass components and faucets.  

    Get informed 

    Order a Free Lead Test

    Protect yourself and your family.  

    The State of Oregon requires all licensed day care facilities to test for lead in water.

    Avoid Lead Exposure
    • Run cold water to flush out lead.  If the water hasn’t been used for several hours, run cold taps for 30 seconds to two minutes before drinking or cooking.
    • Do not cook, drink or make baby formula with hot water from the tap. Hot water dissolves contaminants, like lead, quicker than cold water.
    • Do not boil water to reduce lead.
    • Install low-lead fixtures and a lead-reducing filter. 

    Additional resources

    Service Line Inventory Project

    The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) established the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR). The LCR strengthens protections to reduce potential lead exposure. The expanded ruling requires local governments to inventory service lines.  

    What is a service line? 

    The City is responsible for maintaining water main lines and the water service lines from the main to the meter. The property owner is responsible for maintaining the portion of the water service line from the water meter to the residence.  

    When any part of the service line is made of lead, it is called a lead service line.  There are no known lead pipes in Gresham’s water distribution system.  

    Project steps 

    • Develop an inventory of customer service line materials using property records, water quality tests, and site inspections of service lines. 
    • The City will submit an inventory report to the EPA by Oct. 2024. The results from the report will also be available to the community.

    Inventory map

    The City is using 120Water's inventory database to track water service lines. All water lines are available to search by address on an interactive map. 

    1. Visit 120 Water
    2. To search, type an address in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
    3. Results will indicate either "non-lead" or "unknown". 
    4. If the address you enter is "unknown" and you want to check your service line, contact 503-618-2626.
