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Neighborhood Ready

  • The City's crime prevention and disaster preparedness program for neighborhoods.

    The City supports registered Neighborhood Ready groups by

    • Providing training workshops on reducing opportunities for crime, first aid and emergency preparedness.
    • Providing technical expertise.
    • Installing Neighborhood Watch signs.
    • Providing materials for projects, as possible.

    Neighborhood Ready groups agree to

    • Work with neighbors to make your neighborhood more resilient to crime and emergencies.
    • Hold an annual event for neighbors, ideally on National Night Out each August.
    • Participate in their Neighborhood Association.

    Start a Neighborhood Ready group 

    1. Contact Ricardo Ruiz at or 503-618-2213 to fill out a volunteer form and learn how to become a block captain.
    2. Invite your neighbors to attend a meeting and fill out copies of the Neighborhood Ready workbook.
    3. Provide the City with a copy of your neighborhood map and roster of members, the date your group met, and where to place your two Neighborhood Watch signs. If possible, provide the longitude and latitude coordinates.