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Outdoor Dining

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    Outdoor dining pilot program

    The City is expanding dining options for serving customers and supporting local food service businesses during the pandemic.  

    • This includes dining in street parking areas, on sidewalks and private property.
    • The City is providing the following no-cost permits as a pilot program.
    • Permits issued under this pilot program will expire Jan. 1, 2024.

    Assistance is available in preferred languages. Please contact to request assistance with translation.


    Programa Piloto de Gresham Come Afuera 

    La necesidad de expansión de restaurantes al aire libre en las áreas de estacionamiento de la calle, acera y propiedad privada ha crecido como resultado de la pandemia. A medida que las empresas continúan encontrando maneras creativas de servir a los clientes durante las restricciones, la ciudad está proporcionando los siguientes permisos sin costos como un programa piloto en apoyo de estos servicios. Los permisos emitidos bajo este programa se vencen el 1 de enero del 2024. 

    La asistencia está disponible en idiomas preferidos. Favor de ponerse en contacto con para solicitar ayuda con traducción. 


    Пробная программа “Грешам-Еда в Открытом Месте

    В результате пандемии выросла потребность в расширении столовой вне помещений на уличных парковках, тротуарах и частной собственности. Поскольку предприниматели продолжают находить творческие способы обслуживания клиентов в условиях ограничений, городские власти предоставляют следующие бесплатные разрешения в качестве пробной программы в поддержку продолжения работы. Срок действия разрешений, выдаваемых в рамках этой программы, истекает 1 Января 2024 года. 

    Помощь доступна на предпочитаемых языках. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с, чтобы запросить помощь с переводом. 

    Tiếng Việt

    Chương trình thử nghiệm ăn uống ngoài trời của TP. Gresham

    Nhu cầu mở rộng dịch vụ ăn uống ngoài trời tại các khu đỗ xe trên đường, vỉa hè và tài sản tư nhân đã phát triển do hậu quả của đại dịch. Bởi các doanh nghiệp tiếp tục tìm những giải pháp sáng tạo để phục vụ khách hàng trong thời buổi giới hạn này, nên Thành phố đang cung cấp giấy phép miễn phí với tư cách là chương trình thử nghiệm để hỗ trợ các hoạt động trên tiếp tục được thực hiện. Các giấy phép được cấp theo chương trình này sẽ hết hạn vào ngày 01/01/2024.

    Dịch vụ hỗ trợ có sẵn trong nhiều ngôn ngữ. Vui lòng liên hệ để xin hỗ trợ dịch ngữ.

  • Outdoor dining options

  • Street Parklet

    What is it?

    A parklet is built to temporarily extend sidewalk dining out from the curb. Parklets are installed level with the sidewalk and usually cover several parking spaces to provide more outdoor seating. 

    See example of a parklet.


    • Only allowed on streets 25 mph or less where street parking is currently available (30 mph may be considered; see parklet policy).
    • Maximum dimensions: 6 feet wide by 20 feet long.
    • Placement: in parking areas next to the curb in front of business.
    • Must have a continuous edge along the travel lane to protect users from moving traffic.
    • Must provide curb-to-parklet Americans with Disabilities Act access.
    • Must have a ramp for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access.
    • Proof of liability insurance coverage is required for $1 million with the City of Gresham on endorsement.
    • Parklets are not allowed in City-owned parking lots, ADA street spaces or loading zones. 

    How to apply

    • Step 1: Read the parklet policy to ensure you can meet the requirements.
    • Step 2: Gather the following documents into one PDF:
      • Location and context: A Google Maps aerial view of the location in front of your business indicating where the parklet will be.
      • Design: A rough sketch of your parklet’s design. You may include an image of the type or similar type that includes dimensions showing the parklet meets size, height and platform requirements. Specify what materials will be used; provide an image and/or data sheet if available.
      • If using heating: A product data sheet for any equipment.
      • Insurance: Proof of coverage for $1 million and endorsement page indicating the City as an insured party. Insurance policy date should be within the last 20 days.
    • Step 3: Fill out the PDF application.
    • Step 4: Visit our permit application site, register, confirm registration, and apply for a Street Parklet permit. Attach the application and all documents noted above in one PDF before submitting.
    • Step 5: Once your application is approved, you may build your parklet and schedule a City inspection and installation of barricades.  
    Sidewalk Café

    What is it?

    Sidewalk café seating sets up tables and chairs on the sidewalk immediately next to a business or in an area adjacent to the street curb. 

    See example of sidewalk café seating.


    • Must be placed along the front length of the business facade.
    • Must maintain a 5-foot clear pedestrian path along the sidewalk.
    • Umbrellas must be kept 8 feet high above the sidewalk.

    How to apply

    • Step 1: Gather the following documents:
      • Location and context: A Google Maps aerial view of the location in front of your business and indicate the desired location of the café seating. Include marking the sidewalk area to show there is a 5-foot clear pathway.
      • Insurance: Proof of coverage for $1 million and endorsement page indicating the City as an insured party. Insurance policy date should be within the last 20 days.
    • Step 2: Visit our permit application site, register, confirm registration, and apply for a Sidewalk Café permit. The map and the insurance documents are required to submit.
    • Step 3: Once your application is approved, you may place your tables/chairs and schedule a City inspection.  
    Private Property Outdoor Seating

    What is it? 

    Outdoor dining set up on privately owned property that does not extend into the sidewalk or street. These setups are typically done under a tent or canopy within a private parking lot or other area of the property. 

    See example of private property outdoor seating.


    • Minimum parking and access on the property needs to be maintained. Driveway and clear vision areas of the street cannot be blocked. Contact the Planner on Duty at 503-618-2780 to confirm adequate allowable space before applying. 
    • Must obtain property owner approval if applicant is tenant.
    • Tents and canopies are not allowed inside a structure.
    • Tents and canopies shall maintain a distance of 20 feet from structures, property lines or right of ways.
    • Tents and canopies shall be roped, braced and anchored.
    • Tents and canopies must be made of fire-resistant material, and must bear a label from manufacturer indicating so, or be treated with an approved flame retardant.
    • Decorative materials used in tents shall be flame retardant.
    • Post "No Smoking" signs inside and/or outside tent.
    • When multiple tents or canopies are arranged or set side by side, the total length shall not exceed 150 feet without a 20-foot fire break.

    How to apply

    • Step 1: Before applying, contact the Planner on Duty, 503-618-2780 or, to confirm zoning, parking and access will allow for placement of the area you wish to use for outdoor seating.
    • Step 2: Visit our permit application site, register, confirm registration, and apply for a temporary use permit. If you will not be placing a covering above the seating, you only need to apply for a temporary use permit and not a fire permit.

    Temporary use permits

    Temporary uses are allowed depending on the zoning for the proposed site. Once you confirm with the Planner on Duty that use is allowed, submit your application online.

    Fire permits

    Fire staff will contact you to follow up on your application and schedule an inspection. 

  • Frequently asked questions

  • Can I partner with a neighboring business to make a larger shared area for customers?

    Yes. However, if you will be serving alcohol, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) requires separating business service areas. Confirm with the OLCC before submitting a parklet application to the City.

    Can I apply for a parklet for my retail store?

    No. At this time, the outdoor dining pilot program is only for food service businesses.

    Does outdoor seating on private property without a cover (canopy or tent) require a permit?

    No. If there is no covering and only seating, just apply for a temporary use permit. 

    Can I put tables and chairs in a parking space without a structure around it? Can I rope the area off?

    No. To ensure pedestrian and traffic safety, the parklet needs to provide a consistent barrier across the length of the parklet. 

  • Contact

    For questions about the pilot program or permits, contact the Small Business Center at or 503-618-2872.