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Parks Rules and Safety

    • Park Rules
    • Park Safety
    • No Smoking
    Park Rules

    Parks, trails and greenways are open:

    • April 1 to Sept. 30:  5:00 am-10:00 pm
    • Oct. 1 to March 31: 6:00 am-8:00 pm
    • Restrooms closed Oct. 31 through March 31

    Not allowed in Gresham parks:

    • Camping or building structures
    • Collecting or harming plants or wildlife
    • Defacing property
    • Devices to amplify sound
    • Dumping of trash, yard debris or other waste
    • Failing to clean up pet waste
    • Hiking, biking or riding horses off designated trails
    • Hitting of golf balls
    • Illegal Drugs
    • Pets off leash
    • Public drinking (without a permit from the OLCC and the City)
    • Swimming, diving or ice skating on ponds or creeks
    • Tobacco or marijuana use
    • Unauthorized vehicles
    • Weapons, fireworks or explosives of any kind

    Chapter 7 of the Gresham Revised Code

    Contact us

    For more information on Gresham's parks rules call 503-618-2300.

    Park Safety

    We keep parks and trails accessible and safe by:

    • Regularly cleaning and conducting routine maintenance.
    • Frequently patrolling parks and trails by Gresham Police and Citizen Volunteers in Policing by vehicle, bike and on foot.
    • Surveillance cameras in several parks.
    • Requiring reservations to use picnic shelters.

    Help us keep our parks and trails safe.

    • Report problems or unsafe conditions.
    • Observe the rules for using parks and trails.
    • Reserve park shelters for events and activities.

      Safety tips

      • Be aware of your surroundings.
      • Be alert to where you are and who is around you.
      • Always lock your car.
      • Do not leave valuables in your car, not even in the trunk.
      • Always know where your children are.
      • Accompany minors to the restrooms.
      • Don't confront those breaking park rules.
      • If possible, carry a cell phone for emergencies.
      • Report criminal activity to the Gresham Police, or call 911 in an emergency.

      Non-emergency numbers

      • Code compliance: 503-618-2248
      • Fire non-emergency: 503-823-3333 
      • Graffiti reporting: 503-618-3089 
      • Parks maintenance: 503-618-2300 
      • Parks reservations: 503-618-2300 
      • Police non-emergency: 503-823-3333 
      • Police tip line: 503-661-3784 
      • Report a non-emergency issue.
      No Smoking

      The City Council adopted a tobacco-free parks law in 2017. Tobacco or marijuana use in parks may result in a fine up to $500.

      Banned products include:

      • Cigarettes
      • Cigars
      • Cigarillos
      • Bidis
      • Clove cigarettes
      • E-cigarettes
      • Nicotine vaporizers
      • Nicotine liquids
      • Hookahs
      • Kreteks
      • Pipes
      • Chew
      • Snuff
      • Smokeless tobacco

      No smoking in parks reduces the harmful effects of second-hand smoke on the public's health, prevents waste and improves the outdoor health of Gresham's parks and open spaces.

      Need help quitting smoking? Call the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-784-8669.