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Transportation Division

  • The Transportation Division designs, operates and maintains a system of more than 898 lane miles of streets, including sidewalks, bike lanes, streetlights, traffic signals, road signs and bike and pedestrian paths.
  • Transportation Services

  • Parade/Street Parking Lot Closures

    Street closure application

    • Block parties or parking lot closures must be submitted for a approval 14 days prior to the event.  
      More information about block parties
    • Parade applications must be submitted 45 days prior to the event. 
    • Banner Permits: For a permit to hang banners contact Ken Koblitz at

    Contact us

    For more information about street closures contact


    Report potholes to the Operations Center at 503-618-2626 or submit a report through My Gresham.

    Please provide the location of the pothole with the nearest address and cross street. 

    Street Signs

    Transportation Operations maintains over 18,000 signs including replacing missing, damaged or blocked traffic signs.

    To report a street sign issue call Operations at 503-618-2626 or submit a report through My Gresham

    Traffic Calming (Speed Bumps)

    Traffic calming devices, such has reduced speed zones, speed bumps etc., help reduce collisions and improve overall safety of a street or intersection. 

    How to initiate a traffic calming project

    Traffic Data

    The City monitors traffic counts to study traffic trends for road projects, and analyzes speeding trends for traffic calming solutions.

    The City's traffic counts are an estimate of bi-directional annual averages of daily traffic. Dates range from 2010-2016.

    Contact us

    For information about traffic data email

    Traffic Signals

    For traffic and pedestrian signal issues call Environmental Services:

    Understanding the flashing yellow left-turn arrow

    Contractor forms

  • Programs

  • Adopt-A-Road Program

    Adopt-A-Road is an anti-litter campaign. Make a positive impact on the appearances of Gresham's roads and our community by adopting a segment of roadway and helping keep it clean. This is a three-year commitment.

    More information about Adopt-A-Road

    LED Streetlights

    The City has replaced Gresham's 8,000 street lights with LED fixtures.

    Report outages and malfunctioning lights or request repairs through My Gresham.

    Contact us

    For more information about LED streetlights, contact Geri Van Beek 503-618-2710 or

    Street Sweeping Program

    Street sweeping keeps roads safe by removing debris, such as paper and leaves that may be an obstacle to pedestrians and bikes.  

    Sweeping removes debris that clog stormdrains and reduces the amount of pollutants that collects on city streets. 

    More about Gresham's street sweeping program

    Submit a report through MyGresham.

    Summer Roadwork

    Transportation’s pavement maintenance program treats select streets during the summer using different types of road repair, depending on the condition of the surface.  

    Learn more about our summer maintenance schedule.

    Traffic Lane Striping

    The City contracts with Multnomah County to maintain the traffic lane striping on Gresham roads and arterials.

    Motorists should obey the sign displays, proceed with caution and avoid driving over the wet stripes.

    • Traffic wears away paint on roadways and the striping has to be reapplied every year when the surface is dry and the temperature relatively warm.
    • Typically this work is done during the spring and summer months, and a second coat of paint is applied in the fall.

    What to expect during lane striping 

    There will be sufficient advance warning for motorists approaching a road striping operation. 

    • First, a slow-moving vehicle with a message board alternately displays, “Wet Paint” and “Do Not Pass.”
    • A second vehicle displays flashing lights and a warning sign of painting in progress. 
    • Lastly, flashing lights and a “Caution – Wet Paint” sign identify the striper truck, which sprays the paint stripes onto the road.

    About the paint

     The paint used on roads is water-borne, non-toxic and contains reflective glass beads. 

    If paint gets transferred on a vehicle, remove it immediately with soap and water before the paint has time to set.

    Contact us

    Call the City's Operations Center at 503-618-2626 with questions or concerns.