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Community and Neighborhood Engagement

  • We support engaging residents in what's happening at City Hall, strong neighborhoods, and working together to solve common problems.

  • Community Engagement

    We believe in engaging residents and working with the community to solve common problems and decide how City resources are used.

    Community engagement creates a successful two-way conversation with the City. 

    Read about available community engagement resources.

    Community Enhancement Advisory Committee

    The Community Enhancement Advisory Committee oversees Gresham’s share of funds reserved for community enhancement projects through Metro's community enhancement grants. The committee will establish the grant area boundary, develop the grant selection process, review grant proposals, and select grant recipients. 

    Community Enhancement Advisory Committee

    Community enhancement grants


    Solve problems with neighbors and others by using our free mediation services.

    Mediación en Español Mediación ayuda a la gente a resolver problemas entre vecinos y otros. 

    Are you good at helping people work through problems? Be a volunteer mediator.

    Get help working through disagreements with East County Resolutions.

    Neighborhood Associations

    Gresham's Neighborhood Associations have worked to improve the quality of life in Gresham since 1989. Each one of Gresham's 16 associations is an independent group organized and governed by residents.

    Find out what's happening in your local neighborhood association.

    Neighborhood News and City Publications

    Neighborhood Connections

    Featuring timely news about City programs, projects and events around the community, delivered by email. Stay connected each month with what’s happening at City Hall and in Gresham.

    Read the current issue of Neighborhood Connections

    Subscribe to Neighborhood Connections or other City publications.

    Title VI: Civil Rights

    Title VI protects people from discrimination based on race, color and national origin. The City is committed to assuring no person is discriminated against, or denied benefits of, any City program or activity.

    Anyone can request an interpreter, document translation or other communication assistance from the City.

     Read about the City's Title VI program.

    Volunteer Program

    Every year hundreds of residents give their expertise and time volunteering though the City's volunteer program.

    The City's volunteer program has opportunities for everyone to get hands-on.

    • Check our progress

      In community safety, housing, economy, vibrancy and finances.

    • Neighborhood Ready

      Download the City's workbook to help get prepared during emergencies like COVID-19; Spanish available.

    • Nextdoor for neighbors

      Busy, but want to be involved in your neighborhood? The City's partnered with Nextdoor, the Facebook for neighborhoods.