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Active Transportation Plan

  • This project is about working with the community to make walking, bicycling and using mobility devices better in Gresham, so people can get to where they need and want to go.

    Project description

    • Status and Updates
    • Project Background
    • Project Documents
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    Status and Updates

    The Active Transportation Plan was adopted by City Council on September 4, 2018.

    Project Background

    What is Active Transportation?

    Active transportation is any form of human-powered transportation such as walking, cycling, using a wheelchair, skateboarding or rollerblading. People use active transportation to travel to destinations and in combination with other types of transportation, like walking to transit.

    Streets with missing sidewalks or sub-standard bike facilities are unsafe and make it uncomfortable for active transportation modes of travel. "Complete Streets", with adequate bike, pedestrian, and amenity features, enable access for users of all ages and abilities. Complete Streets also make it safer and easier to travel for daily needs and for recreation.

    This Active Transportation Plan (ATP) is intended as a road map for defining where and how the City of Gresham might enhance walking and biking.

    Why create this plan?

    The City of Gresham updated its Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2015. The TSP defines how the City's transportation network is planned to accommodate all types of transportation including autos, bicyclists, freight vehicles, pedestrians, and transit. An important action item from the TSP was to complete an ATP that further defines design options, criteria for prioritizing locations to enhance walking and biking, creating a prioritized project list, and defining programs plus funding options to support these modes of travel. 

    The purpose of this work is to enhance livability within Gresham and create safe, welcoming places. While not all of our streets are built with sidewalks or bikeways today, they are all planned to have sidewalks when funding is available and many are planned to have bikeways where they do not yet exist.

      Project Documents

      Current documents

      In 2016 we asked people in Gresham where they need to get to and what challenges they face along the way. Based on that information, two maps were created:

      Project prioritization

      There are many potential projects, but no funding identified yet. Help us prioritize the projects that are most important to your neighborhood.

      Background documents

      General information about Gresham's transportation system


      Jay Higgins
      Senior Planner

      • Crosswalk in Gresham
      • Pedestrians in Gresham
      • Cyclists and runner on Springwater Trail in Gresham
      • Pedestrians in Gresham

      1 of 4
      • It makes a safer, more enjoyable trip for people who cannot drive, such as children, some elderly, those without access to cars, or who choose not to drive.

      • An improved active transportation system will help people get to places important to them, such as jobs, schools, parks, places of worship or that offer healthful food.

      • It provides people more choices about how to get around.

      • Even when bike lanes are provided, some people do not feel comfortable using bike lanes on streets with higher speeds and many automobiles.